Discover the UAE House of Sustainability at COP28

Welcome to the UAE House of Sustainability, located in the Green Zone at COP28. Join us from December 3 to 12, 2023, at Expo City Dubai, as we showcase the UAE's commitment to a net zero future. Immerse yourself in a multisensory experience that highlights our sustainable journey. From the Sustainability Oasis to the Our Future of Sustainable Flourishing section, discover the beauty of nature, cultural heritage, and sustainable living. Get ready to be inspired and take part in dynamic activations and cultural programming. Let's create a sustainable future together!

Experience the UAE House of Sustainability

Immerse yourself in a multisensory journey

Discover the UAE House of Sustainability at COP28 - -372920265

Step into the UAE House of Sustainability and embark on a transformative experience. Engage your senses as you explore the three main areas: Sustainability Oasis, Our Journey of Collective Progress, and Our Future of Sustainable Flourishing.

In the Sustainability Oasis, discover the beauty of nature and the UAE's cultural heritage. Engage in interactive activities that highlight the importance of sustainable living and the preservation of our environment.

In the Our Journey of Collective Progress section, witness the UAE's sustainability journey unfold before your eyes. Against the backdrop of sand dunes, dynamic musical compositions will transport you through time, showcasing the progress we have made towards a sustainable future.

Finally, in the Our Future of Sustainable Flourishing section, experience interactive explorations that demonstrate the UAE's commitment to a net zero future. Learn about innovative solutions and technologies that are shaping our sustainable future.

Engage in Dynamic Activations and Cultural Programming

Immerse yourself in a vibrant atmosphere

The UAE House of Sustainability goes beyond just showcasing sustainable practices. It offers a vibrant atmosphere filled with dynamic activations and cultural programming.

Engage with climate actionists, public and private sector representatives, NGOs, and Blue Zone accredited guests at the nearby Actionists Hub. Participate in workshops and discussions that focus on climate action and sustainability.

Immerse yourself in the rich Emirati culture through interactive storytelling and hosting sessions. Learn about traditional Emirati sustainable living practices and how they contribute to a greener future.

Don't miss the PopCOP sessions and climate action workshops hosted at the UAE House of Sustainability. Join the conversation, share your ideas, and be part of the global movement towards a sustainable world.

Explore the UAE Pavilion in the Blue Zone

Discover the UAE's initiatives towards Net Zero

The UAE Pavilion in the Blue Zone is a must-visit for government leaders, experts, and UN-accredited individuals. Discover the country's initiatives towards achieving Net Zero by 2050.

Step into a space inspired by the UAE's national bird, the falcon, and marvel at the sustainable design elements. The pavilion showcases informative exhibitions that cover the UAE's sustainability story, from its rich heritage to its modernization efforts.

Learn about the UAE's net zero initiatives and international partnerships that are driving sustainable change. Explore the exhibits that highlight the country's commitment to a greener future and the steps being taken to mitigate climate change.

Be inspired by the UAE's journey and discover how you can contribute to a sustainable world. Visit the UAE Pavilion in the Blue Zone and be part of the global conversation on climate action.

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