Unlocking Affordable Housing Solutions in Boulder County

In Boulder County, the need for affordable housing is growing, and local leaders are stepping up to find solutions. This article explores the ballot measure that aims to extend funding for affordable housing projects without increasing taxes. Join me as we delve into the details and understand why this initiative is crucial for our community.

The Urgent Need for Affordable Housing

Understanding the pressing need for affordable housing in Boulder County

Boulder County is facing an affordable housing crisis, with skyrocketing housing costs and limited options for low and moderate-income households. The demand for affordable housing is increasing, and the current supply falls far short of meeting the needs of the community.

According to recent data, the county has set a goal that 12% of housing should be price-capped by 2035. However, the estimated cost to reach this goal is $400 million, and the existing funding falls short. This ballot measure aims to address this gap and provide much-needed funding for affordable housing projects.

Extending Funding for Affordable Housing

Exploring the ballot measure to extend funding for affordable housing projects

The ballot measure proposes to extend the existing 0.185% sales and use tax, which was approved in 2018, for an additional fifteen years. The best part? There will be no increase in any county tax. This means that the funding for affordable housing projects will continue without burdening taxpayers with additional financial obligations.

The revenue generated from this tax extension will be dedicated to funding a range of affordable housing initiatives. This includes the development, operation, acquisition, preservation, renovation, maintenance, and construction of for-sale and rental homes for low and moderate-income households and the local workforce. Additionally, supportive housing, services that support housing stability, grants to housing authorities, nonprofit affordable housing providers, and local municipalities will also receive funding.

The Impact of the Tax Extension

Understanding the positive impact of extending the sales and use tax

By extending the sales and use tax, Boulder County will nearly double the funding available for affordable housing projects. This will provide approximately $300 million by 2035, bringing the county closer to its goal of price-capped housing. While it may not fully meet the estimated $400 million needed, it will significantly contribute to addressing the affordable housing crisis.

Furthermore, the local funding can be leveraged to attract state and federal funds. By investing in staff time to apply for grants and providing matching funds, the county can maximize the impact of each dollar. This tax extension will not only benefit Boulder County but also strengthen regional efforts to provide affordable housing options.

Addressing the Homelessness Crisis

Examining the potential impact on addressing homelessness through the tax extension

One crucial aspect of this tax extension is the potential to address the homelessness crisis in Boulder County. The City of Boulder has requested that at least 25% of the revenue be allocated to addressing homelessness, including permanent supportive housing, transitional housing for addiction recovery, and emergency sheltering.

While there is no guarantee that the county will honor this request, the additional funding can make a significant difference in providing housing and supportive services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. This measure presents an opportunity to make a positive impact on the most vulnerable members of our community.

Supporting Regional Affordable Housing Efforts

Highlighting the benefits of the tax extension for surrounding towns and communities

The City of Boulder has been facing challenges due to the lack of affordable housing options in surrounding towns. This tax extension will not only strengthen Boulder's affordable housing programs but also provide substantial funding for regional efforts. It will surpass what Boulder can fund independently and create a more equitable distribution of affordable housing resources throughout the county.

By supporting regional affordable housing efforts, this tax extension promotes collaboration and ensures that all communities in Boulder County can work together to address the housing needs of their residents. It is a step towards creating a more inclusive and affordable housing landscape for everyone.


Addressing the affordable housing crisis in Boulder County requires innovative solutions and dedicated funding. The ballot measure to extend the sales and use tax without increasing taxes presents a crucial opportunity to make progress in providing affordable housing options for low and moderate-income households.

By extending the funding for affordable housing projects, Boulder County can leverage state and federal resources, strengthen regional efforts, and make a significant impact on homelessness. This measure is a step towards creating a more equitable and inclusive community where everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.


What is the goal of the tax extension?

The goal of the tax extension is to provide funding for affordable housing projects without increasing taxes.

How will the tax extension impact homelessness?

The tax extension has the potential to address the homelessness crisis by allocating funding for permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, and emergency sheltering.

Will the tax extension benefit surrounding towns?

Yes, the tax extension will support regional affordable housing efforts, providing substantial funding for surrounding towns and communities.

Is this a tax increase?

No, the tax extension does not increase taxes. It continues the existing 0.185% sales and use tax approved in 2018.

How much funding will be available for affordable housing projects?

The tax extension is expected to provide approximately $300 million by 2035, nearly doubling the funding available for affordable housing projects.

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