Uncle Billy's Hotel: Asbestos Abatement and Demolition Work Begins

Welcome to an informative article about the exciting developments at Uncle Billy's Hotel in Hilo's historic Banyan Drive. In this piece, we will delve into the commencement of asbestos abatement and demolition work, shedding light on the crucial steps taken to prioritize health and safety. Stay tuned to discover the significance of this project and its impact on the local community.

Commencement of Asbestos Abatement Work

Learn about the start of asbestos abatement work at Uncle Billy's Hotel and the importance of ensuring safety during this process.

Uncle Billy's Hotel: Asbestos Abatement and Demolition Work Begins - -122836795

Uncle Billy's Hotel, located along Hilo's historic Banyan Drive, is about to undergo a significant transformation. The first step in this process is the commencement of asbestos abatement work. Asbestos, a hazardous material, was discovered in the dilapidated structure, making it essential to remove it before any further demolition or construction takes place.

The presence of asbestos poses serious health risks, and therefore, its abatement is crucial to ensure the safety of workers and the surrounding community. The local Hilo company, Isemoto Contracting Company, Ltd., has been entrusted with this important task. Their expertise and experience in handling hazardous materials make them the ideal choice for this project.

By removing asbestos from the building, the demolition contractor can proceed with the necessary demolition work, clearing the property for future use. This step marks a significant milestone in the transformation of Uncle Billy's Hotel and paves the way for a safer and more vibrant future.

Round-the-Clock Surveillance for Safety

Discover the measures taken to ensure safety during the asbestos abatement process at Uncle Billy's Hotel.

During the past two and a half months, officers from the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement have maintained round-the-clock surveillance at Uncle Billy's Hotel. Their presence was crucial in safeguarding the property and preventing unauthorized access.

Two officers were assigned to each day and night shift, diligently watching over the completely fenced property. Although there were a couple of breaches in the chain-link fence, no citations or warnings were issued. The primary focus was to ensure the safety of both the officers and the public.

These surveillance efforts were necessary due to the presence of asbestos and the potential dangers associated with it. The continuous monitoring helped to mitigate any risks and maintain a secure environment for all involved.

Timeline for Completion: Abatement and Demolition

Get insights into the timeline for asbestos abatement and demolition work at Uncle Billy's Hotel.

The asbestos abatement and demolition work at Uncle Billy's Hotel is expected to be completed by next November. The project timeline has been carefully planned to ensure efficient progress while prioritizing safety and quality.

As Isemoto Contracting removes asbestos from specific areas of the structure, demolition work can simultaneously commence in those locations. This phased approach allows for a smooth and systematic transformation of the property.

The expedited procurement, permitting, and bidding processes, made possible by an emergency proclamation from Governor Josh Green, M.D., have facilitated the timely initiation of this project. The completion of asbestos abatement and demolition will mark a significant milestone in the revitalization of Uncle Billy's Hotel.

Collaboration and Community Input

Learn about the collaborative efforts and community involvement in determining the future use of Uncle Billy's Hotel.

The future use of Uncle Billy's Hotel is a decision that involves collaboration and input from various stakeholders. The DLNR Chair's Office, the DLNR Land and Engineering Divisions, and Mayor Mitch Roth's office are working closely with county departments, the county council, and area state legislators to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive decision-making process.

Hilo and Banyan Drive stakeholders play a crucial role in shaping the future of this iconic property. Their valuable insights and perspectives will be taken into account during the planning phase. The aim is to create a future use that aligns with the community's vision and contributes to the overall development of the area.

Engaging the community in this process ensures that the revitalization of Uncle Billy's Hotel reflects the desires and aspirations of the people it serves. It is an opportunity to create a space that benefits both residents and visitors, adding to the vibrancy and charm of Hilo.

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