Exploring Mangaluru's Cultural Heritage: World Heritage Week Celebration

Welcome to World Heritage Week in Mangaluru! Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural heritage of this beautiful city. From November 19 to 25, join us at the Kodialguthu Centre for Arts and Culture for a week-long celebration that will take you on a journey through the fascinating history and architecture of Mangaluru.

Udupi Sub-Jail: A Survivor of Demolition Verdict

Explore the intriguing story of Udupi Sub-Jail and its survival against a demolition verdict.

Step into the fascinating world of Udupi Sub-Jail, a historical site that defied the odds. The exhibition titled 'Udupi Sub-Jail that Survived Demolition Verdict' will take you on a journey through its captivating history. Discover the architectural marvels and hear the stories of resilience that kept this structure intact.

Join BT Obaleshappa, superintendent of the district prison, Mangaluru, as he inaugurates the exhibition on November 19. Learn about the efforts to preserve this heritage site and the significance it holds for the local community.

Unveiling Mangaluru's Street and Place Names

Delve into the rich history behind Mangaluru's street and place names.

Have you ever wondered about the stories behind the street and place names in Mangaluru? Architect Niren Jain will guide you through a captivating talk on November 20, exploring the evolution of these names over time.

From ancient origins to colonial influences, uncover the layers of history embedded in the city's streets. Discover how these names reflect the cultural tapestry and the people who have shaped Mangaluru throughout the ages.

The Old Port of Mangaluru: A Heterogeneous Layered Urbanism

Uncover the diverse urbanism of the Old Port of Mangaluru.

Architect Caroline D'souza invites you to delve into the heterogeneous layered urbanism of the Old Port of Mangaluru on November 21. Explore the intricate network of streets, buildings, and communities that have shaped this historic port.

From bustling trade routes to architectural influences, discover the unique blend of cultures and traditions that make the Old Port a fascinating destination. Gain insights into the preservation efforts and challenges faced in maintaining this vibrant heritage site.

Kattes in Mangaluru City: A Cultural Gathering Space

Unravel the significance of Kattes, cultural gathering spaces in Mangaluru City.

Architects Sindhushree and Sitara will take you on a captivating journey through the Kattes of Mangaluru City on November 22. Discover the cultural significance of these traditional gathering spaces and their role in fostering community connections.

From historical anecdotes to architectural features, explore the unique characteristics of each Katte. Learn how these spaces have evolved over time and continue to be an integral part of the city's social fabric.

Traditional Temples and Houses in Tulunadu: Preserving Heritage

Immerse yourself in the beauty and preservation of traditional temples and houses in Tulunadu.

Join Vastu Vidhwan Subrahmanya Bhat on November 23 as he unveils the architectural marvels of traditional temples and houses in Tulunadu. Explore the intricate craftsmanship, sacred rituals, and cultural significance embedded in these heritage structures.

Discover the preservation efforts undertaken to safeguard these architectural gems and the role they play in maintaining the cultural identity of the region. Gain insights into the unique features and design principles that make these temples and houses truly remarkable.

Zamindar Bari at Raipur: A Glimpse into the Past

Embark on a journey to the Zamindar Bari at Raipur and witness its architectural grandeur.

Architect and INTACH Mangaluru chapter convener, Subhas Basu, invites you to explore the Zamindar Bari at Raipur on November 24. Uncover the opulence and grandeur of this historic mansion, which stands as a testament to a bygone era.

From intricate carvings to sprawling courtyards, immerse yourself in the architectural splendor of this heritage site. Learn about the historical significance of the Zamindar Bari and the efforts to preserve its rich legacy for future generations.

Heritage as Collective Memory: Preserving Our Cultural Legacy

Discover the importance of heritage as a collective memory and its impact on society.

Join author William Pais on November 25 as he delves into the concept of heritage as collective memory. Explore how our cultural legacy shapes our identity and contributes to the fabric of society.

Through thought-provoking insights and real-life examples, gain a deeper understanding of the significance of preserving our heritage. Reflect on the role each individual plays in safeguarding our cultural treasures for future generations.

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