Breaking Ground with Affordable Housing: Summit County's Historic Deal Ignites Hope for El Jebel

In a monumental development, Summit County government has secured a historic deal to construct affordable housing on leased land from the U.S. Forest Service, near Dillon. This groundbreaking agreement not only provides much-needed housing solutions for Summit County but also ignites hope for similar action in El Jebel. Join us as we explore the impact of this landmark deal and the potential it holds for addressing the urgent affordable housing crisis in the area.

A Remarkable Lease Agreement: Sparking Hope for El Jebel

Discover the transformative potential of Summit County's lease agreement with the U.S. Forest Service.

In a landmark decision, the U.S. Forest Service has signed a 50-year lease with Summit County for the development of affordable housing on the Dillon Work Center administrative site. This historic agreement not only provides 177 much-needed affordable rental units for Summit County but also serves as a beacon of hope for the community in El Jebel. With the potential for similar action in El Jebel, the lease agreement could be the catalyst for addressing the pressing need for affordable housing in this area.

Imagine the positive impact when communities come together with governmental and environmental organizations to create solutions that address the urgent need for affordable housing. This lease agreement demonstrates a visionary approach to tackling this critical issue while ensuring a vibrant and sustainable future for both Summit County and El Jebel.

Revitalizing Communities: The Planned Development and Its Benefits

Explore the comprehensive plan for the Dillon Work Center administrative site and its potential impact on the community.

The development of the Dillon Work Center administrative site prioritizes both the functionality and vitality of the community. This comprehensive plan includes the construction of 177 affordable housing rental units, a neighborhood community center, residential parking, improved public transit connections, and upgraded infrastructure and utilities.

Fostering a Sense of Community

The inclusion of a neighborhood community center is a testament to the importance of cultivating a connected and supportive community. Imagine the possibilities for collaboration, shared resources, and social interactions that such a community center can engender.

Your Gateway to Enhanced Connectivity

The upgraded infrastructure and utilities not only ensure a comfortable living environment but also enhance connectivity by providing residents with convenient access to essential amenities, services, and recreation areas. Improved public transit connections further encourage sustainable transportation and lower the carbon footprint of the community.

A Transcendental Impact: Affordable Housing Allocation

Explore the allocation of affordable housing units within the Dillon Work Center administrative site.

In a poignant recognition of the importance of affordable housing, the partnership between Summit County and the U.S. Forest Service ensures the allocation of suitable units for different community needs.

Forest Service Employees: Housing for Essential Roles

The lease agreement grants the U.S. Forest Service priority access to 10 housing units of various sizes. This provision serves to support the dedicated individuals who serve and protect the national forests within their working hours and facilitates their integration into the local community.

Seasonal Workers: Dorm-Style Units

Dorm-style units play a crucial role in providing affordable housing for seasonal workers, maintaining the workforce needed to support vital seasonal operations within the forest.

By accommodating the housing needs of key members of the community, this visionary approach enables the sustainable growth and well-being of both forest workers and Summit County residents.

Creating a Path Forward: Applying Lessons for El Jebel

Learn how the success of the Dillon Work Center lease agreement paves the way for potential similar deals in El Jebel.

The triumph of the lease agreement in Summit County offers a compelling example for the potential development of affordable housing in El Jebel.

While negotiations in El Jebel are still ongoing, inspired by the success of the Dillon deal, conversations are active between White River officials and the governments of Pitkin and Eagle counties. The goal remains the creation of a sale or lease agreement that can usher in affordable housing solutions for El Jebel that will serve the well-being of the community at large.

With each step, a chain of transformation is set in motion, and the impetus for affordable housing spreads from one community to another, making progress toward a future where safe and affordable housing is a reality for every member of the community.


The groundbreaking lease agreement between Summit County and the U.S. Forest Service for the development of affordable housing at the Dillon Work Center administrative site marks a significant step forward in addressing the pressing need for affordable housing. This innovative approach not only creates housing solutions but also sets a valuable precedent for similar action in other communities, such as El Jebel.

By prioritizing affordable housing and fostering partnerships between governmental, environmental, and community organizations, we can create thriving communities where everyone has access to safe and affordable housing. The combined efforts and visionary actions will shape a brighter and more equitable future for all.


What is the significance of the Dillon Work Center lease agreement?

The Dillon Work Center lease agreement is a transformative landmark development that provides affordable housing solutions for Summit County and serves as a model for addressing the affordable housing crisis in other communities.

How does the development plan at the Dillon Work Center administrative site benefit the community?

The development plan for the Dillon Work Center site includes building affordable housing units, a neighborhood community center, improved infrastructure and utilities, and convenient public transit connections. These enhancements create a vibrant and interconnected community that fosters a sense of belonging and promotes sustainable living.

Who will benefit from the housing allocation in the Dillon Work Center development?

The housing allocation in the Dillon Work Center development caters to the housing needs of U.S. Forest Service employees and seasonal workers. This provision ensures that essential members of the community have access to suitable and affordable housing options.

What can other communities like El Jebel learn from Summit County's lease agreement?

The success of the lease agreement in Summit County sets a valuable precedent for other communities like El Jebel. It demonstrates the potential for collaborative partnerships between governments and organizations and showcases the transformative power of prioritizing affordable housing.

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