Addressing Systemic Inequities: Harvard's Initiative for Lasting Change

The Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery (HLS) initiative is taking a bold step towards addressing systemic inequities that have plagued communities affected by slavery. Guided by the findings of the Report of the Presidential Committee on Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery, this initiative aims to create lasting change through innovative projects. In this article, we delve into the details of the initiative, its funding opportunities, and its mission to drive transformative impact in education, economic mobility, health, urban planning, and criminal justice.

The Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery Initiative

Discover the mission and goals of the HLS initiative and how it aims to address systemic inequities.

The Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery (HLS) initiative is a groundbreaking endeavor that seeks to tackle the systemic inequities stemming from slavery. Guided by the findings and recommendations of the Report of the Presidential Committee on Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery, this initiative aims to develop visible, lasting, and effective actions grounded in Harvard's educational mission.

The HLS initiative focuses on partnering with community organizations in Cambridge and Boston to address systemic inequities in education, economic mobility, health, urban planning, and criminal justice. By providing funding and fostering partnerships, the initiative aims to drive transformative impact and create meaningful change.

Funding Opportunities for Community Organizations

Learn about the funding opportunities available through the HLS initiative and how community organizations can get involved.

The HLS initiative offers funding opportunities for community organizations and nonprofits, as well as members of the Harvard community. The projects that have the best chance of receiving funding are those that align with the mission of H&LS, demonstrate creativity, feasibility, and the potential to make a meaningful difference.

The selection process involves two stages, with local community members, Harvard staff, students, and faculty participating in the first stage. Respected national leaders are then involved in the second stage of evaluation. The selected projects will receive funding to address gaps in education, the racial wealth gap, health disparities, and criminal justice reform.

Advancing Knowledge and Engagement

Explore how the HLS initiative aims to extend knowledge, strengthen engagement with historically Black colleges and universities, and honor marginalized communities.

The HLS initiative goes beyond funding projects and partnerships. It aims to apply Harvard's educational and research resources to advance opportunities and deepen knowledge about slavery and its consequences. This includes strengthening engagement with historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and other minority-serving institutions.

Additionally, the initiative seeks to identify and engage direct descendants of individuals enslaved by Harvard leaders, faculty, and staff. It aims to honor, engage, and support Native communities, while also ensuring institutional accountability.

Current and Future Initiatives

Discover the ongoing and upcoming initiatives of the HLS initiative, including the Harvard Slavery Remembrance Program and plans for future projects.

In addition to the Request for Proposals (RFP), the HLS initiative has been actively working on various projects. One notable initiative is the Harvard Slavery Remembrance Program, which aims to identify the direct descendants of those who were enslaved by Harvard's leaders, faculty, and staff.

The HLS initiative is also engaging with HBCUs and planning future initiatives such as screening the HLS film, developing a memorial to recognize and honor enslaved individuals, and publishing a community update in the spring. These initiatives demonstrate the commitment of the HLS initiative to address systemic inequities and drive real changes for real people.

Driving Lasting Change through Partnerships

Learn about the importance of partnerships in addressing the legacy of slavery and achieving meaningful, transformative impact.

Partnerships play a crucial role in the HLS initiative's efforts to address the legacy of slavery. In an interview with Sara Bleich, vice provost for special projects, Roeshana Moore-Evans, executive director of the initiative, and M. Lee Pelton, a member of the RFP's review committee, the importance of collaboration with community partners was emphasized.

By partnering with Cambridge and Boston community organizations, the HLS initiative aims to develop and implement innovative projects that create visible and lasting change. Through these partnerships, the initiative seeks to address systemic inequities in various areas, including education, economic mobility, health, urban planning, and criminal justice.

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