Unlocking Affordable Housing: Insights from Westerly Town Planner Nancy Letendre

Join us on October 20th for an enlightening talk by Westerly Town Planner Nancy Letendre as she delves into the world of affordable housing. Learn about the current planning and regulations, as well as the next steps and strategies to address this crucial issue. This talk, hosted by the Ocean Community Collaborative, promises to shed light on the path towards affordable housing in Westerly.

Understanding Affordable Housing Planning and Regulations

Get insights into the current planning and regulations for affordable housing in Westerly.

When it comes to affordable housing, understanding the planning and regulations is crucial. Nancy Letendre, the Westerly Town Planner, will provide valuable insights into the current landscape. She will discuss the policies and guidelines that shape affordable housing initiatives in our community.

One key aspect that Letendre will touch upon is the importance of zoning regulations. These regulations determine where affordable housing developments can be built and help ensure a fair distribution across the town. By understanding these regulations, we can work towards creating more inclusive and accessible neighborhoods.

Additionally, Letendre will shed light on the role of partnerships between local government, nonprofits, and developers in advancing affordable housing projects. These collaborations are essential in leveraging resources and expertise to maximize the impact of affordable housing initiatives.

Next Steps in Affordable Housing: Strategies for Success

Discover the next steps and strategies to address the affordable housing challenge in Westerly.

What comes next after understanding the planning and regulations? Letendre will guide us through the next steps in the journey towards affordable housing in Westerly.

One crucial strategy is the identification of suitable sites for affordable housing developments. Letendre will discuss the criteria used to assess potential locations and how community input plays a vital role in the decision-making process. By involving residents and stakeholders, we can ensure that affordable housing projects align with the needs and aspirations of the community.

Another important aspect is the financing and funding mechanisms for affordable housing. Letendre will explore various options, such as low-income housing tax credits and public-private partnerships, that can help make affordable housing projects financially viable. These strategies are essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability of affordable housing initiatives.

Join the Conversation: Advocating for Affordable Housing

Engage in the discussion and learn how you can contribute to the affordable housing cause.

Affordable housing is a community-wide issue, and everyone has a role to play in finding solutions. Letendre's talk provides an opportunity for residents, community organizations, and policymakers to come together and engage in the conversation.

During the session, Letendre will highlight the importance of community advocacy and how individuals can make a difference. From attending town meetings to supporting affordable housing initiatives, there are various ways to contribute to the cause. Letendre will share success stories and inspire us to take action.

So mark your calendars for October 20th and join us at the Westerly Library & Wilcox Park auditorium. Let's work together towards a more inclusive and affordable Westerly.


Affordable housing is a pressing issue in Westerly, and Nancy Letendre's talk provides valuable insights into the planning, regulations, and strategies for success. By understanding the current landscape and taking the necessary steps, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and affordable community.

Letendre emphasizes the importance of collaboration and community advocacy in addressing the affordable housing challenge. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.

Join the Ocean Community Collaborative on October 20th at the Westerly Library & Wilcox Park auditorium to be a part of this important conversation. Let's come together and pave the way for a brighter future in Westerly.


How can I contribute to affordable housing initiatives in Westerly?

There are several ways you can contribute to affordable housing initiatives in Westerly. You can attend town meetings and voice your support for affordable housing projects. Additionally, you can get involved with local community organizations that advocate for affordable housing and offer your time or resources. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference.

What are the benefits of affordable housing for the community?

Affordable housing benefits the community in numerous ways. It helps ensure that individuals and families have a safe and stable place to call home. Affordable housing also promotes economic stability by allowing residents to allocate more of their income towards other essential needs. Furthermore, it fosters a sense of community and inclusivity, creating a diverse and vibrant neighborhood.

Are there any upcoming affordable housing projects in Westerly?

For information on upcoming affordable housing projects in Westerly, it is recommended to stay updated with the Westerly Town Planner's office and local housing organizations. These entities often share updates on new developments and opportunities for community involvement. Attending town meetings and engaging with community organizations will also provide valuable insights into upcoming projects.

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