Placing Culture at the Heart of Europe: A Call for Action

Ahead of the 2024 EU elections, Europa Nostra, Culture Action Europe, and the European Cultural Foundation have launched a powerful campaign to ensure that culture and cultural heritage take center stage. With 8 out of 10 Europeans valuing cultural heritage, it's time to make our voices heard and shape the future of our continent. Join us in this important endeavor.

Culture and Cultural Heritage: A Cornerstone of European Identity

Discover the significance of culture and cultural heritage in shaping European identity and fostering unity.

Europe is a continent rich in cultural diversity and heritage. From the ancient ruins of Rome to the magnificent castles of Scotland, our shared cultural heritage is a testament to the collective history and values that bind us together. Culture and cultural heritage are not just artifacts of the past; they are living expressions of our identity, creativity, and resilience.

By embracing and celebrating our cultural heritage, we can foster a sense of belonging and pride in our shared European identity. It is through culture that we can bridge divides, promote understanding, and build a more inclusive and cohesive Europe.

As we look towards the 2024 EU elections, it is crucial that culture and cultural heritage take center stage in the political agenda. By placing culture at the heart of Europe, we can ensure that our diverse heritage is preserved, celebrated, and cherished for generations to come.

The Power of Cultural Heritage in Politics

Explore the influence of cultural heritage in political discourse and its potential to shape policies and decision-making.

Cultural heritage has the power to transcend political boundaries and unite people. It serves as a powerful tool for political leaders to connect with their constituents and build a sense of national and European identity.

When cultural heritage is integrated into political discourse, it brings a human dimension to policy debates. It reminds us of our shared history, values, and aspirations. By recognizing the importance of cultural heritage, political leaders can make informed decisions that prioritize the preservation and promotion of our cultural wealth.

Furthermore, cultural heritage can be a catalyst for social and economic development. It attracts tourists, stimulates local economies, and creates job opportunities. By investing in cultural heritage, governments can not only preserve our past but also contribute to a sustainable and prosperous future.

Making Culture a Priority in the 2024 EU Elections

Learn about the joint campaign by Europa Nostra, Culture Action Europe, and the European Cultural Foundation to prioritize culture in the upcoming EU elections.

The 2024 EU elections provide a unique opportunity to place culture and cultural heritage at the forefront of the political agenda. Europa Nostra, Culture Action Europe, and the European Cultural Foundation have joined forces to launch a campaign calling for culture to be a central theme in electoral campaigns.

Through this campaign, they aim to raise awareness about the importance of culture and cultural heritage in shaping our continent's future. They urge political groups to include culture in their programmes and engage in meaningful conversations with European citizens about the role of culture in our society.

By making culture a priority in the 2024 EU elections, we can ensure that the voices of cultural professionals, heritage organizations, and citizens who value culture are heard and represented in the decision-making processes that will shape our collective future.

The Call for Action: A Cultural Deal for Europe

Discover the key demands of the joint campaign and the actions needed to place culture at the heart of Europe.

The joint campaign by Europa Nostra, Culture Action Europe, and the European Cultural Foundation calls for several key actions to prioritize culture in Europe:

  • Effectively use the National Recovery and Resilience Plans to support culture and independent cultural scenes.
  • Develop a new, ambitious EU cultural policy in collaboration with civil society.
  • Collaborate with the philanthropic sector to address emergencies faced by cultural sectors.
  • Establish common standards for working conditions in the cultural sector.
  • Integrate culture into sustainable development and the European Green Deal.

These actions will ensure that culture and cultural heritage are at the forefront of Europe's political agenda, contributing to a more vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable future.

Join the Movement: Shaping the Future of Europe

Find out how you can contribute to the campaign and make culture a priority in the 2024 EU elections.

Everyone has a role to play in shaping the future of Europe. Here's how you can contribute to the campaign:

  • Endorse the joint campaign by Europa Nostra, Culture Action Europe, and the European Cultural Foundation.
  • Engage in conversations about culture and cultural heritage with your local communities and political representatives.
  • Support cultural initiatives and organizations in your region.
  • Stay informed about cultural policies and developments at the European level.
  • Vote in the 2024 EU elections and choose candidates who prioritize culture and cultural heritage.

Together, we can make culture a central theme in the 2024 EU elections and ensure that our shared heritage and values continue to shape the future of our continent.


As we approach the 2024 EU elections, it is crucial that culture and cultural heritage are given the attention they deserve. Our shared cultural wealth is not only a source of pride and identity but also a powerful tool for fostering unity, understanding, and social and economic development.

Through the joint campaign by Europa Nostra, Culture Action Europe, and the European Cultural Foundation, we have the opportunity to make culture a central theme in the political discourse and decision-making processes that will shape the future of our continent. By prioritizing culture in the 2024 EU elections, we can ensure that our diverse heritage is preserved, celebrated, and cherished for generations to come.

Join us in this important endeavor and let's place culture at the heart of Europe, together.


Why is culture and cultural heritage important in the 2024 EU elections?

Culture and cultural heritage are important in the 2024 EU elections because they are key elements of our shared European identity. They bring people together, bridge divides, and foster a sense of belonging. By prioritizing culture, we can ensure that our diverse heritage is preserved and celebrated, and that the voices of cultural professionals and citizens who value culture are heard in the decision-making processes.

How can I contribute to the campaign?

You can contribute to the campaign by endorsing it, engaging in conversations about culture and cultural heritage with your local communities and political representatives, supporting cultural initiatives and organizations in your region, staying informed about cultural policies at the European level, and voting in the 2024 EU elections for candidates who prioritize culture and cultural heritage.

What are the key demands of the joint campaign?

The key demands of the joint campaign are to effectively use the National Recovery and Resilience Plans for culture, develop a new EU cultural policy in collaboration with civil society, collaborate with the philanthropic sector to address emergencies faced by cultural sectors, establish common standards for working conditions in the cultural sector, and integrate culture into sustainable development and the European Green Deal.

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