New Rebates From EPB And TVA EnergyRight Can Help Homeowners Save Thousands

Wouldn't it be fantastic if you could save thousands of dollars on home energy improvements and reduce your monthly bills? Well, thanks to the EPB and TVA EnergyRight Home Energy Rebate program, this is now possible. In this article, we will explore how this program can help you make your home more energy-efficient, comfortable, and environmentally friendly. Discover the qualifications and get ready to unlock a world of savings on your energy expenses.

Assessing Your Home Energy Needs

Determine which home improvements will offer the greatest energy savings and cost-benefit for you.

Before diving into home energy improvements, it's important to assess your specific needs to identify the areas where you can make the most significant impact. Are you experiencing high utility bills? Is your home uncomfortable in certain seasons? EPB Energy Pros are here to help!

Schedule a free Home Energy Checkup and let our experts evaluate your home's energy performance. These professionals will provide you with personalized recommendations tailored to your unique situation. By identifying areas of improvement, you can prioritize where to invest in home energy upgrades.

Qualifying for EnergyRight Home Energy Rebate Program

Discover the requirements to qualify for the EPB and TVA EnergyRight Home Energy Rebate program.

Making energy-efficient upgrades to your existing home can open the door to substantial savings through the EnergyRight Home Energy Rebate program. To ensure eligibility, work with contractors listed in the Quality Contractor Network specifically dedicated to improving energy efficiency in existing homes.

From new HVAC units to insulation and ductwork, you can create a more sustainable and comfortable living space while taking advantage of significant rebates. The program encourages comprehensive improvements that maximize ongoing savings on monthly energy bills. Invest in a greener future for your home with EnergyRight.

Maximizing Savings with Comprehensive Improvements

Get the most out of your energy savings by combining multiple upgrades for advanced efficiency.

To achieve optimal energy savings, consider implementing multiple upgrades together. By combining qualifying HVAC systems with duct insulation and repairs, you can maximize the efficiency and comfort of your home while reaping the benefits of cost savings for years to come.

EPB Energy Pros can guide you through making comprehensive improvements that address various aspects of your home's high-energy consumption. From adding radiant barriers and insulation to optimizing water heaters and windows, every upgrade brings you one step closer to a more energy-efficient home.

Benefits of Comprehensive Improvements:

  • Significantly reduce heating and cooling costs
  • Enhanced home comfort and air quality
  • Improved energy-efficiency ratings for better market value
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By considering the big picture and taking a comprehensive approach to home energy upgrades, you can enjoy substantial long-term savings and a greener, more sustainable lifestyle.

Building New Homes for Greater Energy Efficiency

Discover how EPB can assist you in maximizing energy efficiency when constructing a new home.

If you're in the process of building a new home, the EPB Energy Pros are your trusted partners throughout the journey. They can advise on the selection of energy-efficient appliances and supplies, ensuring your new home is built for maximum energy efficiency right from the start.

While not required to use EPB-approved contractors for new construction, you can further enhance savings by following Smart Build-certification standards. Our experts will provide guidance and resources to make your newly constructed home energy-efficient and even fiber-ready for advanced communication technology.


With the EPB and TVA EnergyRight Home Energy Rebate program, you have the opportunity to make significant improvements in your home's energy efficiency. By taking advantage of this program, you can save money on utility bills, increase the comfort and health of your home, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Consult with EPB Energy Pros to assess your home's energy needs and explore the available rebates and incentives.

Investing in comprehensive improvements and qualifying for the rebate program not only benefits you financially but also helps to create a greener environment for future generations. Whether you choose to upgrade your existing home or embark on new construction, the resources and expertise offered by EPB Energy Pros will guide you towards a more energy-efficient and comfortable living space.


How do I qualify for the EnergyRight Home Energy Rebate program?

To be eligible for the EnergyRight Home Energy Rebate program, you need to use contractors listed in the Quality Contractor Network dedicated to improving energy-efficiency in existing homes. They will ensure that you meet the program's requirements and benefit from significant rebates.

Can I make multiple upgrades at once?

Yes, combining multiple upgrades can further enhance your energy savings. For example, if you install a qualifying HVAC system, you may also be eligible for duct insulation and repairs. EPB Energy Pros can provide guidance on selecting the most cost-effective upgrades that will maximize your savings.

Do I have to use EPB-approved contractors for new home construction?

While it's not required, working with EPB-approved contractors for new home construction allows you to benefit from their expertise in maximizing energy efficiency. They can help you choose energy-efficient appliances and design your new home to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

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