Celebrating Latinx Heritage Month: OL Reign's Partnership with Good Play America

September 15th marked the start of Latinx Heritage Month, a month that is deeply important to OL Reign and its community. Learn how OL Reign is celebrating Latinx culture and empowering youth through their partnership with Good Play America.

Celebrating Latinx Heritage Month

Learn how OL Reign is celebrating Latinx culture and empowering youth through their partnership with Good Play America.

Latinx Heritage Month is a time to honor and celebrate the identity of Latinx Americans and the contributions they have made to the United States. For OL Reign, this month holds special significance as they recognize the value and importance of their Latinx community. Through their partnership with Good Play America, OL Reign is taking part in various initiatives to celebrate Latinx culture and empower youth.

From collaborating with Latinx-owned small businesses to supporting youth soccer programs in Colombia, OL Reign is committed to giving back and making a positive impact. This partnership allows them to share their love for the game and their culture while supporting children in need.

Supporting Latinx-Owned Small Businesses

Discover how OL Reign encourages supporters to shop at Latinx-owned small businesses and make a difference.

OL Reign recognizes the importance of supporting Latinx-owned small businesses and the positive impact it can have on the community. Through their partnership with local organizations, they encourage their supporters to shop at these businesses and spend like it matters.

By supporting Latinx-owned small businesses, OL Reign not only helps these entrepreneurs thrive but also contributes to the economic growth of the Latinx community. It's a way to show solidarity and appreciation for their culture and contributions.

Empowering Youth Through Soccer

Learn how OL Reign and Good Play America are empowering youth through soccer and making a difference in Colombia.

OL Reign's partnership with Good Play America goes beyond celebrating Latinx culture. Together, they are empowering youth through soccer and making a difference in Colombia. Good Play America, a non-profit organization, focuses on giving back to children in Colombia through donations, education, and sport.

Through this partnership, OL Reign is not only promoting the love for the game but also providing opportunities for children in Colombia to develop their skills and pursue their dreams. By collecting soccer cleats and other donations, OL Reign and Good Play America are creating a positive impact on the lives of these children.

Shared Values and Community

Explore the shared values between OL Reign and Good Play America and how they are making a difference together.

The partnership between OL Reign and Good Play America is built on shared values of community, sustainability, and cultural appreciation. Both organizations believe in the power of soccer to bring people together and create positive change.

Through their collaboration, OL Reign and Good Play America are not only making a difference in the lives of children in Colombia but also fostering a sense of community and cultural exchange. By celebrating Latinx culture and supporting youth empowerment, they are creating a lasting impact that goes beyond the soccer field.


Latinx Heritage Month is a time for OL Reign to celebrate the identity and contributions of Latinx Americans. Through their partnership with Good Play America, they are able to empower youth through soccer and make a positive impact in Colombia. By supporting Latinx-owned small businesses and sharing their love for the game, OL Reign is fostering a sense of community and cultural appreciation.


Why is Latinx Heritage Month important to OL Reign?

Latinx Heritage Month is important to OL Reign because it allows them to recognize and celebrate the contributions of their Latinx community. It is a time to honor their culture and amplify their voices.

How is OL Reign partnering with Good Play America?

OL Reign is partnering with Good Play America to empower youth through soccer. They are collecting soccer cleats and other donations to support children in Colombia and provide them with opportunities to develop their skills and pursue their dreams.

What is the significance of supporting Latinx-owned small businesses?

Supporting Latinx-owned small businesses is significant because it contributes to the economic growth of the Latinx community. It shows solidarity and appreciation for their culture and helps these entrepreneurs thrive.

What are the shared values between OL Reign and Good Play America?

OL Reign and Good Play America share values of community, sustainability, and cultural appreciation. They believe in the power of soccer to bring people together and create positive change.

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