Smart electric meters are coming to Rhode Island. Here's why.

Rhode Island Energy has received approval from state regulators to embark on an ambitious project of replacing outdated meters with smart electric meters. This crucial step towards modernizing the power grid opens up new possibilities for efficient power distribution and enables better monitoring of energy usage in real-time. In this article, we delve into the far-reaching benefits, considerations, and motivations behind this statewide strategic upgrade.

The Need for Grid Modernization

The increasing integration of renewable energy sources necessitates efficient power grid management.

The growing adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, calls for a more sophisticated approach to power grid management. As more and more small-scale energy projects contribute to the grid, the traditional one-way flow of electricity becomes dynamic and less predictable. Rhode Island Energy recognizes this transition and the necessity of grid modernization to maintain system reliability and safety.

A safer and modernized grid, achieved through the deployment of smart electric meters, provides enhanced functionality for both grid operators and consumers. With granular billing and usage information now available, customers can have a clearer understanding of their energy consumption patterns and actively participate in energy-saving measures. This move towards grid modernization is a vital enabler of the state's wider goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Benefits of Smart Electric Meters

How smart electric meters bring extensive benefits to both utility companies and consumers.

The installation of smart electric meters brings numerous benefits that positively impact both utility companies and consumers. By transmitting usage data in near real-time intervals, these meters revolutionize grid management, leading to faster outage notifications and reduced field investigations. This enhanced system efficiency translates into substantial cost savings for utilities and more stable energy rates for consumers.

Empowering Consumers with Information

One of the most significant advantages of smart electric meters is their ability to provide detailed usage information to consumers. By gaining insights into energy consumption patterns, consumers can make informed decisions on how and when to use energy, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced carbon footprints.

Fostering Time-Varying Electric Rates

Smart electric meters lay the foundation for time-variable electric rates. This dynamic pricing system allows utilities to charge different rates based on peak demand periods, incentivizing consumers to shift their energy usage to non-peak times. By aligning energy consumption with lower demand periods, consumers can reduce their electricity costs while helping utilities balance the grid and avoid costly infrastructure upgrades.

Addressing Concerns and Ensuring Accountability

Mitigating health concerns related to smart meters and the importance of holding companies accountable for their promises.

Doubts have been raised regarding potential health risks associated with the radio frequencies emitted by smart electric meters. However, no substantial evidence supporting these concerns was presented during the approval process. It is essential to separate misinformation from scientific consensus when evaluating the impact of smart meters on human health.

While acknowledging the need for accountability, the Public Utilities Commission emphasized the net benefits of the project and its potential to transform Rhode Island's energy landscape. Holding Rhode Island Energy accountable for delivering on its promised outcomes ensures the realization of customer satisfaction and cost savings, which ultimately benefit all stakeholders.

Success Stories and Lessons Learned from Previous Deployments

Rhode Island Energy's parent company brings valuable experience from previous smart meter deployments.

Rhode Island Energy's parent company, PPL Corporation, has successfully implemented smart meter technology in previous deployments. Notably, in Pennsylvania, system reliability and customer satisfaction scores improved significantly after the installation of advanced smart meters. With positive feedback and lessons learned from previous experiences, PPL Corporation plans to bring the same efficiency and customer benefits to Rhode Island through this new endeavor.

The Cost Implications for Customers

Understanding the initial and long-term financial impact on customers.

The cost to customers for deploying smart electric meters would be initially incremental, but the long-term benefits outweigh the investment. Initially, the proposed implementation would result in only a nominal increase of 7 cents per month for the average household, gradually rising over time. However, Rhode Island Energy has committed to recalculating the bill impacts based on the new price cap set by the commission, ensuring reasonable and transparent cost management.

Customers should consider the potential for long-term cost savings resulting from the optimization of energy consumption, reduced energy bills through favorable time-variable rates, and lowered infrastructure investments due to more efficient grid operations with smart electric meters.


The approval of Rhode Island Energy's plan to replace outdated meters with smart electric meters marks a significant step towards grid modernization and more efficient power distribution. Through this strategic upgrade, Rhode Island Energy brings a myriad of benefits, including enhanced grid management, empowered consumers, and the potential for time-variable electric rates.

This investment aligns with the state's commitment to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 and paves the way for a safer and more sustainable energy future. While concerns have been raised about the health implications of smart meters, the lack of scientific evidence should ease any doubts. By holding Rhode Island Energy accountable, customers can expect improved energy efficiency and cost savings.

With successful deployments in Pennsylvania and lessons learned from previous experiences, Rhode Island Energy is well-positioned to guide the transformation towards smarter, greener, and more reliable energy systems. It is an exciting time for Rhode Island as it embraces the opportunities presented by smart electric meters and takes a decisive step towards a resilient and sustainable energy future.


Are smart electric meters safe to use?

Yes, smart electric meters are safe to use. Extensive scientific research and evaluations have shown no significant health risks associated with the radio frequencies emitted by these meters. The concerns raised in some quarters are not supported by factual evidence and should not deter consumers from adopting their usage, which offers numerous benefits.

How will smart electric meters benefit consumers?

Smart electric meters bring significant benefits to consumers. They provide real-time and detailed information about energy consumption, enabling consumers to make informed decisions to lower their energy usage and reduce costs. Additionally, smart meters pave the way for time-variable electric rates, offering consumers the opportunity to optimize energy consumption during periods of lower rates and support sustainable grid operations.

What are the potential savings for customers with smart electric meters?

Customers can experience long-term cost savings with the deployment of smart electric meters. These savings result from optimized energy consumption, reduced energy bills through time-variable rates, and avoided infrastructure investments arising from more efficient grid operations. While the initial investment may be incremental, the overall financial benefit for customers is overwhelmingly positive.

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